Lover of Nature, Animals, sacred Rainforest Medicines and indigenous Culture.
About me
Born in Hamburg, Germany, I studied communications, psychology and economics in Berlin and subsequently did my doctorate in the area of media economics.
Then a departure into a new world followed: Guided by the desire to spend some time abroad I went in 2010 to New York City, later to Buenos Aires and finally to Brazil. Here I started to work with plant medicines from the Amazon rainforest and became interested in the culture of indigenous peoples.
My experiences with these sacred plant medicines transformed me and my life dramatically and also changed the way I perceive things. My consciousness has opened up to the magic of nature and a strong bond with it has developed. At the same time, I discovered my passion for writing and photography.
My wish now is to express the beauty and power of nature through my photos and texts and to help to keep the traditions and fascinating culture of the indigenous peoples alive.